Vermicelli sold with scolding, porridge with cursing, and grilled meat with kneeling!

On August 19, on the Internet, 7 minutes 52 seconds of video was released (1) showing what happened in Bac Ninh: a customer was punished to kneel in Hien Thien baked restaurant. The owner of the barbeque sat sagging, and the customer was afraid to kneel, causing netizens to stir. The real story is like a joke only in Vietnam. Yes, Vietnam doesn’t lack such sensational stories.

On August 17, there was a story about a VTV1 spokesperson contemptuously called street vendors parasitic. This day, another new story happened.

Editor Anh Quang of Vietnam Television VTV, who used the word “parasite” to talk about street vendors on VTV’s official bulletin which angered the online community.

The owner of the shop proclaimed a father, calling the kneeling girl an animal, the fool (the sound of the woman behind the shopkeeper). Accompanied by fingers pointing to the face are unceasing vulgar words that threaten and suppress the poor woman.

When the woman went out and went back in, the restaurant owner ordered “kneel down,” the girl immediately kneeled, demonstrating an extreme fear. The owner of the restaurant continued: “You live anywhere in Bac Ninh or hide in the ground, I could find you up. My people most aggressive guys in Bac Ninh can find you anywhere. Good luck today. This afternoon I found you, you would die!”

What is this? As I write this, I’m still in awe, wondering what is happening on our land? What more events must be waited for, after the insults and oppression of the body – spirit among the people living in Vietnam, between the host state – the parasitic people?

This is a disciplined country, with strict law, fair, democratic, independent – free – happy?

Is this a socialist rule of law state? A culture of more than 4 thousand years, instead of reaching the dazzling peak, still so wild!

The owner of Hien Thien grilled restaurant has a hooligan attitude, forcing its customer to kneel to apologize because this customer openly has a large worm in her plate, she complained did not receive the apology from the owner.

Ho Chi Minh’s moral thought was permeated society from the central to local levels; from the propaganda boards to the school districts, are the schools producing guys who claim to be fathers and call others animals?

Turns out, the achievement of 45 years of national reunification, more than 75 years of communism in Vietnam just to give birth to such bizarre things.

In any time, there is always a need for culture, morality, religion … to help build a humanistic and cultural foundation for the people of the era. This is difficult to do under atheism. They are communists who see all religions as opium to be eliminated.

 Ethical culture is just labels to add to the outside, but the inside is deserted, instinct and beastliness are waiting to emerge. Because of that, nowadays, there is no respect-humanity, so there are still the abusive scenes mentioned above?

The people are still called parasites by the authorities. And because seeing each other as vile parasites gave birth to rough treatment, unlike the behavior between people.

First of all, under the dictatorial rule, the Vietnamese Communist Party pushed people in the socialist institution more and more away from spiritual cultivation. At the Temple of Apollo in Delphes writes: “Know yourself“.

People of all times need this cultivation. It helps everyone to look back on themselves to understand who they are! What did I come to this world for? Then where will I go? And so many similar questions …

Answering these questions is that I am training myself to understand myself, to behave appropriately.

The owner of the vermicelli shop Ngo Si Lien in Hanoi said that “Guests who are cursed must watch themselves.” The world-famous US TV channel once aired “specialty” vermicelli Ngo Si Lien. But the owner of this shop said that since she was on CNN, her shop was more crowded.

Luong Khai Sieu once said: “In luck hide efforts, in character hidden cultivation.” The incident above shows that there is no cultivating nature, self-mastering, compassion, and honesty. Nearly 8 minutes of the event occurred only hatred, insults, threats, anxiety, fear, and no one interfered. There is only one thing the lowly person takes the throne, as the old saying goes “The superior has the talent and is not angry. The peer has talent and kindness. People who are incompetent are often angry.”

One more of the many unusual phenomena occurred between people, indicating the total failure of the socialist education in Vietnam.

– The attitude, language, and behavior of the owner of Hien Thien restaurant has promoted the “genuine” product under the roof of the socialist education school. This is just one of many such educational products for generations in the country from 1945 up to now. The noodle soup (pho) shop owner and his wife beat a young child who worked for them for 10 years, so it is no wonder that we will listen to the unlike other statements of the state leaders from time to time. It is true that TV director-journalist Song Chi once said: “When an education and training create generations of ‘products’ lacking skills, knowledge, and morality, it is an educational failure. And now people are getting enough of ‘naughty’ products.

– The girl panicked, she had no will to oppose violence and dare to protect her own human rights. She was the victim, she went to eat the grilled pig’s intestines, and found flukes in the food served for her. She reflected but the restaurant owner was still calm, still forced her pay full bill. She posted the story online and ended up on her knees in resignation. Kneeling, an image of children before their parents in old time, or slavery, surrendering completely with no daring to resist. An education that defeats analysis, judgment, dares not to fight injustice, dares not to fight for the truth. It is not only the failure of the girl, of the communist education, but also the failure of an entire nation. The image of her kneeling in the face of violence says many things in today’s society.

Where the police did not see it quickly? In Vietnam, there are always enough police forces, riot police and spontaneous masses … quickly appear to attack those who march in peace, protest against China’s violations of the country’s sovereingty in the East Sea (South China Sea).

Or in the middle of the night, police attacking Dong Tam was very professional and methodical. But they are the last who would come to settle social disputes, when everything is over.

Moreover, the police also rely on gangsters to suppress people, so every restaurant, discotheque, and bar is backed by the local police.

Two police generals Phan Van Vinh and Nguyen Thanh Hoa are both arrested and prosecuted for supporting a giant gambling online ring

The case of two police generals protecting the gambling ring is just the tip of the giant iceberg. The people are no stranger to Duong Nhue, Kha Banh, Huan hoa hong, then black credit, and gangster bands everywhere. And when the ordinary people have encountered things, they have also suffered enough.

Being scolded while consuming vermicelli or cursed while taking porridge has been around for ten years. Appearing first in the capital city of Hanoi, where the northern region full of ‘intellectuals’ like communist leader Nguyen Phu Trong.

Since the time of the centralized economy, the shops that  traded with the grocery goods were really crazy who cursed the buyers. They held people’s stomachs and the state-run economy gives them the right to ride their heads. It quickly built a foundation for a culture of scolding among Hanoi culinary elites. From there it spread all over Vietnam.

Being able to cook a delicious pot of vermicelli or porridge with customers lined up waiting to eat, makes the owners feel that they were important and able to look down their clients and they have a right to be rude without the fear of being punished.

The culmination of this disdainful culture is the kneeling that took place in Bac Ninh. It is representative of the destructive culture that abounds in current Vietnamese society.

Today, in Vietnam, speaking unkindly, speaking loudly and speaking like a warrior, trusting power comes mostly from those who come from the northern region where the communist regime holds their power first before invading the remaining regions and unifying the country in 1975.

The couple Duong Nhue in Thai Binh specializes in black lending for many years, praised by the media as successful businessmen and having close ties with many local officials

It is a specialty that citizens of the northern region with constant abuse of human rights.

It is a huge disease that has been implicitly existed since Vietnam proudly defeated the US and its ally the Southern Vietnam and unified the country and now a harmful culture of people has met a good land to flourish.

The fact that the restaurant “kneels” also arouses many concerns about the black whores specializing in cannibalism in China’s Water Margin novel. Modern black whores have shown the conscientious burial of unethical, inhuman wholesalers.

Please list a few facts: vermicelli, noodles, spring rolls marinated in formol and borax; rotten chicken feet are “transformed” into delicious cheap grilled chicken legs; Before being discovered, the owner promptly sold hundreds of tons of coffee powder mixed with powder from old battery to Binh Phuoc enterprise mixed with pepper; strange chemicals make fruits imported from China always fresh; there are drugs that only spray one night to egetables before being harvested, etc. There are also many other unscrupulous tricks.

For those who look down on people like the owner of the Bac Ninh restaurant, it is enough to show that the flukes in the pig’s heart for sale are not in his list of concern. So how horrible is his kitchen backstage? (Translated)